Frequently asked questions
find the answers here.
Interested in working with Bosshardt Realty but you have questions? We’ve included answers to the most frequently asked questions about our office and how we work on this page.
General questions
When hiring sales professionals, Bosshardt seeks those who are self-motivated, independent and entrepreneurial. A real estate license is required; see below for more information on how to obtain this. A background in real estate or related experience is not required. We do require that you be willing to learn and continue to educate yourself throughout your career. Those who embrace our culture and take full advantage of our resources will reap the rewards from a successful career in real estate!
In a commission-based business, you can earn as much as you’d like if you put the effort in. In 2018, Bosshardt agents made an average of $57k in their first year, and overall Bosshardt agents make 51% above the national average.
Keep in mind, though, that income from commissions should not be the only factor in your decision when choosing a brokerage. More important are questions like these:
- What kind of lead generation is available for agents?
- What kind of support is available?
- What kind of training and mentoring will you receive?
- For experienced agents, what are the opportunities for growth?
These are all questions that should be at least as important as your commission.
Bosshardt Realty offers some of the most in depth training in our area. Our training is in person and teaches you everything you need to know before entering the field. We also have you shadow our agents to see how it’s done first hand! Mentorship programs are also available.
Bosshardt Realty prides itself on having some of the most knowledgeable agents in the industry. We continue to host sales training, coaching and much more on behalf of our agents to ensure they stay sharp! We also host a sales meeting every tuesday where we discuss local and national issues and changes within the real estate field. Many of the agents get involved in discussion which turns into a think tank!
Licensing costs vary by provider and usually range from $100-500. Following the licensing course and state exam there are a few additional start up costs. To actively sell real estate you will need to pay your local, national association fees, MLS fee and electronic key fee to get into the houses. Together, all these costs range between $1500-2000 for your first year. Following the first year, all realtors are required to pay annual fees; locally (in North Central Florida) our fees are currently about $1,000 a year.
Each brokerage operates differently and is structured in a different way, but almost all of them have recurring and/or yearly fees. At Bosshardt we charge a low monthly fee of $50 a month. This covers error and omissions as well as a tech fee. Bosshardt provides tons of free marketing and resources. Additional marketing above what we offer along with custom marketing materials are available at additional costs, but are optional.
Bosshardt Realty’s owner, broker, and managers have a non-compete agreement as part of our agreements with all our agents. We don’t sell real estate or compete with our agents in any way.
At Bosshardt Realty we believe it is our job to help you do your best as an agent; we can’t do that effectively and sell at the same time.
As part of our mission and company values, we try to create a real sense of family among our agents and staff. Check out the videos and quotes on the Testimonials page and you’ll hear our agents talk about our company culture and what it means to them.
Yes, we do have agents who focus on commercial properties. To become an agent specializing in commercial properties, we do require that you mentor under a current commercial agent first.
If you’re an experienced agent and you have questions about part-time or what we might require in your particular situation, give us a call and let’s talk confidentially about how we might work together.
bosshardt Is ...
Our company culture
One of the things that makes Bosshardt Realty different is our company culture, how we put our company’s core values into practice in everyday life. That’s a hard thing to put into words, so we asked our agents for their opinions, to describe the company in one or two words.

important details
Bosshardt Realty has always had a strong belief in marketing. We strive to be the best of the best. With this in mind, we have an entire in house marketing department that also includes a graphic designer. Not only do we market our agents on their behalf, but we also provide our agents with tons of marketing resources they can take advantage of. Our marketing materials and online marketing are big time lead generators. Other lead generation resources include floor time, bosshardt property management, agent website, paid google adwords, internet tracking and marketing, company appreciation events, company notoriety and YOU!
About $10,000 per agent per year.
Yes, our company has mandatory sales meetings every Tuesday. In order to be eligible for floor shifts you must attend 3 meetings and 3 home tours each month. These meetings usually last about an hour and the home tour typically runs about an hour or less depending on how many homes there are. You will not want to miss out on these meetings, they are filled with tons of great relevant industry information and coaching!
Although Bosshardt prefers full-time realtors, we understand that is not always an option for everyone. In general, as long as you can attend new realtor training, sales meetings, and start producing within your first year, we are happy to accept part-time realtors.
Bosshardt Realty does allow teams. We train everyone independently, that way you know how to handle all sides of a transaction. If you find someone you work well with or already have a team, we are happy to help. There are very minimal changes to pay structure as a team.
If you’re an experienced agent and you have questions about part-time or what we might require in your particular situation, give us a call and let’s talk confidentially about how we might work together.
At Bosshardt Realty, we support agents ranging from top producers all the way through those who want to work less, make a living and still have a lot of family time. With that being said, we do want our agents to continue to sell and make a living. Although there is not a minimum sales productivity goal, we do want our agents to be above $1.5 million in sales volume each year.
Yes, we provide a detailed independent contractor agreement for all new agents during the onboarding process and your training.
We go over all the information you’ll need to know as part of our training program, so you’ll not only get introduced to all the elements in the agreement, you’ll have lots of opportunities to ask questions.

Still have a question? Contact us!
If you are interested in setting up a confidential meeting, feel free to schedule an appointment through the form below. We will have one of our Sales Managers reach out to you and set something up! If you are newly licensed, check out our interview guide prior to interviewing other brokerages!